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 Advanced Open Water Diver 

Exploration, Excitement, Experiences

Exploration, Excitement, Experiences - That’s what the PADI Advanced Open Water Diver course is all about. You don’t have to be “advanced” to take it – it’s designed to advance your diving, so you can start right after earning your PADI Open Water Diver certification. The course helps build confidence and expand your scuba skills through different Adventure Dives. You try out different specialties while gaining experience under the supervision of your PADI Instructor. You log dives and develop capabilities as you find new ways to have fun scuba diving.

  • Trevor wears glasses for reading only, 
    though he admits to hardly wearing them

  • He hates to shop and lets his mother or girlfriend do it for him

  • Trevor names Lance Armstrong as a person whom he admires

  • Orange is Trevor's favorite M&M flavor

  • Trevor has 3 tattoos, but he wouldn’t reveal where!

  • Trevor‘s nickname as a child was "Little Carter" as he was always tagging along with his older siblings

If you have already purchased your PADI E-Learning code through the PADI website.


Price: $190

Price Includes:

Classroom and Open Water instruction; lifetime PADI certification card; scuba rental equipment for Open Water use. (Tank, Weights, Regulators, and BCD's)


Not Included: 

Personal gear- (Mask, Snorkel, 

  Boots, Fins.) Call or come in for more

  information and pricing. Read more

  about the importance of 

  proper equipment HERE.

Crater entrance fee- Inquire for current pricing. (We do go up over two days)

Class/Checkout Dives are all the same schedule as the normal Open Water Diver Course. (see left for description).

Prerequisites for Advanced Open Water Course: 

- Open Water Diver Certification


- PADI (Junior) Open Water Divers who are at least 12 years old are ready to step up and enroll in an Advanced Open Water Diver course. Young divers may only participate in certain Adventures Dives – check with your PADI Instructor.

Required Paperwork

  • Copy of Certification Card.
  • Medical Form - Click HERE.
  • Continuing Education
          Document - Click HERE.
  • Advanced Quick Review                   - Click HERE.
  • AOW Documentation Worksheet - Click HERE.
Please review the medical questions in the Continuing Education Document. If you do have any YES answers please have a physician review and sign this Medical Statement.

Following is a checklist of what you will need to know before starting your first class.

  • Come into the store to get the PADI e-Learning code, and required paperwork.

  • Complete PADI e-Learning before coming to class.

  • Review the PADI Continuing Education Document. If you have any YES answers please have a physician sign the release on the PADI Medical Statement, 

  • Understand your class schedule: Open Water dates and times. 

  • Purchase any personal equipment needed before class.

  • Don't forget your swimsuit and towel!


Directions To Crater
Address: 700 Homestead Dr, Midway, UT 84049
Phone: (435) 654-1102
Alumni Benefits

When you take a class through Scuba Utah, you become a member of our family and receive the following lifetime benefits:

  • 10% discount on equipment

  • Guaranteed fit for personal gear

  • Use of pool to practice skills (just call ahead to reserve an available time)


Course Description

Shoe size: 46


- $399 - Per Person (Prescheduled Openwater Dives)

- $549 - Per Person (Private Openwater Dives)

Price Includes:

Classroom and Open Water instruction; PADI e-learning Code; lifetime PADI certification card; scuba rental equipment for Open Water use. (Tank, Weights, Regulators, and BCD's)

Not Included: 

Personal gear- (Mask, Snorkel, Boots, Fins.) Call or come in for more                     information and pricing. Read more about the importance of proper                       equipment HERE.

Crater entrance fee- Inquire with Scuba Utah Staff on current pricing. (We do go up over two days).

Checkout Dives: 

- 5 Open Water checkout dives over a 2 day period. 

- These Dives normally take place on a Friday & Saturday and/or a Saturday &

   Sunday. When we are already going up to Openwater. You can view these dates    and times by clicking HERE and looking for the Openwater Dives on the


- These dives are at the Homestead Crater in Midway, Utah.


Crater times are to be announced, and are subject to change. 

See directions to Homestead Crater below.

What you will learn:

You’ll plan your learning path with your instructor by choosing from a long list of

Adventure Dives. There are two required dives – Deep and Underwater Navigation – and you choose the other three, for a total of five dives.

The two required dives:

Deep - During the Deep Adventure Dive, you learn how to plan dives to deal with the physiological effects and challenges of deeper scuba diving.

Underwater Navigation – During the Underwater Navigation Adventure Dive will refine your compass navigation skills and help you better navigate using kick-cycles, visual landmarks and time.

The other 3 dives. Since, we are limited with the Homestead Crater (can't really do a boat dive up there) the 3 dives we offer are:

Peak-Performance Buoyancy - You will learn how to determine the exact weight you need, so you're not too light or too heavy. To trim your weight system and scuba gear so you're perfectly balanced in the water. By practicing a good trim position in the the water will help you to save energy, use air more efficiently, and move more smoothly through the water. 

Altitude - Learning to adjust your dive plan for the reduced surface pressure at altitude is an important part of the course. You’ll also learn Altitude dive planning, organization, procedures and techniques.

Night - Scuba diving at night teaches you to focus on what you can see in your light’s beam, on controlling your buoyancy by feel, on staying with your buddy and on paying attention to details you may overlook during the day. You will also go over basic light handling and communication techniques.​


Prices subjected to change without notice.


1942 E. Ft. Union Blvd. (7000 So.)
Salt Lake City, Utah 84121
Monday-Friday 10AM-7PM
Saturday 10AM-5PM
Closed Sunday
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